Primeramente se realizará una aproximación al texto, para luego extraer la idea principal del mismo; luego se identificarán verbos, sustantivos, adjetivos, adverbios, cognados, entre otros contenidos lexicales.
En relación a la Unidad II, se extrajeran varias oraciones, con la finalidad de descomponerlas en Frase Nominal y Frase Verbal; resaltando el nucleo de ambas frases.
Con respecto a la Unidad III; se responderán algunas interrogantes, algunas de caracter específico y otras de caracter general, esto se realizará haciendo uso de las Técnicas de Predicción; Scanning y Skimming. Y por último se ubicarán en el texto los Marcadores de Difinición y los Marcadores de Secuencia, estudiados en la Unidad IV.
Texto Original
Basic Computer System Components
A basic computer system consists of six integrated components of operation: operations hardware, data-storage hardware, operating system software, application software, application hardware (peripherals). Every computer system--for example Apple/Mac and IBM/PC machines--has each of these components and all of them. Component attributes will be summarized and explained hereafter, but it is important to recognize at the outset that each component interacts or "interfaces" with others. Accordingly, definitions of system components, whether hardware or software, are best conceptualized operationally and functionally, in terms of what the user wants to do with the system or component instead of in terms of what it is.
Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU, as the term implies, is the hardware platform, aka motherboard, containing the assemblage of circuits, resistors, switches, sockets, terminals, cables, chips, plugs, etc., that enable data processing to take place. At minimum, any CPUs being purchased after 2000 should have Pentium II or Pentium III compatibility, and should have an internal speed of 300 Mhz; 500 Mhz is preferable. Some sources distinguish between speed and processor chip capacity for laptop and desktop models, and it is true that high-speed laptop computers tend to be more expensive machines.
Aproximación al Texto
La Unidad Central de Procesamiento (CPU). La CPU como el término lo indica, es la plataforma de hardware, la placa base que contiene el conjunto de circuitos, resistencias, interruptores, tomas de corriente, terminales, cables, fichas, enchufes, entre otros, que permiten el procesamiento de datos. Después del 2000; se comienzan a comprar CPU con procesadores como mínimo Pentium II o Pentiun III, con una velocidad interna de 300 Mhz, 500 Mhz preferiblemente. Algunas fuentes distinguen entre velocidad del procesador y la capacidad de la memoria, para una portatil o para un modelo de escritorio y es cierto que una portatil tiene mayor velocidad, entonces es una máquina más cara.
Palabras: system, componets
Oración: A basic computer system consists of six integrated components of operation
Verbos: purchased, is
Párrafo: A basic computer system consists of six integrated components of operation: operations hardware, data-storage hardware, operating system software, application software, application hardware (peripherals). Every computer system--for example Apple/Mac and IBM/PC machines--has each of these components and all of them. Component attributes will be summarized and explained hereafter, but it is important to recognize at the outset that each component interacts or "interfaces" with others. Accordingly, definitions of system components, whether hardware or software, are best conceptualized operationally and functionally, in terms of what the user wants to do with the system or component instead of in terms of what it is.
Basic Computer System Components
A basic computer system consists of six integrated components of operation: operations hardware, data-storage hardware, operating system software, application software, application hardware (peripherals). Every computer system--for example Apple/Mac and IBM/PC machines--has each of these components and all of them. Component attributes will be summarized and explained hereafter, but it is important to recognize at the outset that each component interacts or "interfaces" with others. Accordingly, definitions of system components, whether hardware or software, are best conceptualized operationally and functionally, in terms of what the user wants to do with the system or component instead of in terms of what it is.
Idea Principal: A basic computer system consists of six integrated components
Tiempo del Texto: Presente
Derivaciones: Accordingly, functionally
Sutantivos: The
Verbos: have, is
Adjetivos: basic, aplication
Adverbios: functionally
Preposiciones: and
Cognados verdaderos: computer, system
A basic computer system consists of six integrated components of operation
Un sistema de computación básico consiste en seis componentes integrados operantes
Núcleo: computer system
Núcleo: integrated
1. ¿Qué es la CPU?
Como el término lo indica, es la plataforma de hardware
2. ¿Qué velocidad tenian los procesadores Pentium I y Pentium II?
Tenían una velocidad interna de 300 Mhz
Marcadores de Definición: is, consists of, for example
Marcadores de Secuencia: after 2000
El ambiente del Curso de Inglés Instrumental resultó bastante ameno, la Profesora; Dra. Doris de Martins, logró calar entre los participantes, gracias a su carisma y a esa forma tan particular de ver y hacer de la vida un emporio de ricas experiencias para nuestro aprendizaje. El sentido de responsabilidad se dejó notar entre los participantes, al igual que el temple de Jennifer para continuar en el curso.
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